#AppliedErgo2022 Podcast Break - Nancy Currie-Gregg
Download MP3Nancy Currie-Gregg, a former space shuttle astronaut and keynote speaker at #AppliedErgo2022, took a Podcast Break with "Problem Solved" during the 25th annual Applied Ergonomics Conference 2022, taking place March 21-24 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, Florida. She discusses the vital role of ergonomics in creating opportunities for space travelers of all shapes and sizes.
Nancy Currie-Gregg is the deputy director and chief technology officer at Texas A&M University's Bush Combat Development Complex where she is responsible for national defense research and development projects in the areas of integrated hypersonics and integrated network autonomy. She is the holder of the Don Lummus '58 Professorship of Practice in Engineering with appointments in the departments of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Aerospace Engineering.
Learn about all of the #AppliedErgo2022 keynote speakers at: link.iise.org/AEC2022-Keynoters