The Election Process: Fast, Accurate, or Cheap — Pick Two
Download MP3With early and mail-in voting underway in the 2024 elections in the U.S., and an anticipated crowd of in-person voters topping it all off Nov. 5, how are election officials managing the ballot traffic and executing a free and fair election process? We talked to returning guest Gretchen Macht, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial & Systems Engineering at The University of Rhode Island. Dr. Macht is also the Director of the Engineering for Democracy Institute, previously known as URI VOTES. She discusses how her team engages with county election officials from different parts of the U.S., the lessons learned from four years ago and how they’re being applied now, and what you should know about the process in real time as American voters — and the world — wait for the results.
You can listen to Dr. Macht's previous appearance on our podcast ahead of the 2020 elections at:
You can listen to Dr. Macht's previous appearance on our podcast ahead of the 2020 elections at: